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Built for SaaS and Professional Services companies

An interactive price configurator
for B2B sales teams
that sell complex offering

Simplify price conversations. Always the right price in meetings in couple of clicks.

Spend less time in configuring offers

Optimal and interactive display

Salespeople can configure offers 2 to 10 times faster thanks to an optimal display of essential information (features, advantages, benefits, prices, discounts) and a set of interactive elements.
A bit like a car configurator!

One place for value and price

It’s so convenient and intuitive that it can be used during a sales meeting. It helps to iterate very fast with the prospect and converge very fast to the right offer. It can reduce the number of back-and-forth by 75%.

Finally the perfect balance between flexibility and control in the discount policy

Relevant discounts in one click

Salespeople choose relevant bundling and apply discount policies for the prospects on the interactive offers knowing that it won’t hurt the profitability of the company. It will also reduce the time spent in approvals by Sales Leaders.

Business rules sandbox

The sales leader can easily align with the product, marketing and finance teams by setting up business rules such as bundling or discount policies.

Make the right offer to every prospect


Sales Leader can establish a set of templates for different kind of customers whereas salespeople access them through a smart selector: in a few clicks, the salesperson got the right starting point to make an offer. 80% of the job will be already done.


The salesperson can then simply make the right configuration and personalize a few elements to make it very personal. Trust is ensured! Less time in trainings by the sales leaded.

Scale your operations with automation

Stop updating manually all your systems with the exact same data...

Givemefive is seamlessly integrated with your CRM to enable automated data collection and mitigate the risk of error.

Even further integrations to your tech stack are facilitated by our Webhook and API.